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Mastitis Aka Breast Inflammation May 18, 2021

Your breasts will no doubt be tender and swollen when you first start breastfeeding. After all, they’re filling with milk! But if you notice that either one becomes extra painful or you’re suddenly hit with a flu-like feeling, you might be dealing with mastitis.

Mastitis requires attention ASAP, but once you know that’s what you’re dealing with, the infection is relatively easy to treat. Here’s more about what causes mastitis, how to tell if you have it and what to do to start feeling better fast.

What is mastitis?

Mastitis is a breast tissue infection characterized by painful, swollen breasts and flu-like symptoms. It’s estimated that up to 10 percent of breastfeeding moms will deal with a bout of mastitis over the course of the nursing journey.

The risk for mastitis is highest during the first six weeks postpartum, but it can occur at any point while breastfeeding. The infection usually only affects one breast, though it’s possible to potentially have mastitis in both breasts at once.

What causes mastitis?

Mastitis happens when harmful bacteria gets trapped in the breast tissue, triggering an infection. Most often, that occurs when a milk duct in the breast becomes clogged and doesn’t get drained.

Mastitis can also develop when germs (either from your skin's surface or your baby's mouth) enter the breast through a crack in your nipple or through one of the milk ducts. Bacteria then multiply, causing an infection.

What’s more, any breastfeeding woman can be affected. But there are some factors that might make you more prone to mastitis, like:

  • Going too long between nursing or pumping sessions. Missing a usual feeding time can cause engorgement, which can lead to a clogged duct.
  • Poor latch or positioning. Both can make it harder for your little one to adequately drain your breasts, which can lead to clogs. 
  • Having cracked nipples. Cracks, sores or open skin make it easier for bacteria to get into your breast tissue. 
  • Wearing tight-fitting bras. They put extra pressure on your breasts, upping the risk for clogs.
  • Having mastitis in the past. Experts don’t understand why, but having mastitis once makes you prone to getting it again.

What are the symptoms of mastitis?

Besides the obvious swelling, pain and redness that come standard issue with a breast infection, your breast may feel warm to the touch. You might also develop a fever (usually 101°F or more) and other flu-like symptoms (such as chills) — which can sometimes come on suddenly. You may also feel exhausted (even more than the usual newbie mom weariness), run down and generally weak. It’s common to experience a painful or burning sensation while breastfeeding, too.

How is it treated?

Antibiotics can usually cure mastitis. If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, take them as directed. Do not stop taking them just because you feel better. You need to take the full course of pills. The antibiotics will not harm the baby. If treatment doesn't work at first, your doctor may send a sample of your breast milk to a lab to help identify the type of bacteria causing the infection.

You can help yourself feel better by getting more rest, drinking more fluids, and using warm or cold packs on your painful breast.Before breastfeeding your baby, place a warm, wet washcloth over the affected breast for about 15 minutes. Try this at least 3 times a day. This increases milk flow in the breast. Massaging the affected breast may also increase milk flow.

You can safely take acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) for pain or a fever. You can take ibuprofen (such as Advil) along with acetaminophen to reduce inflammation. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label.


Breastfeeding from your affected breast is safe for your baby. If starting with the affected breast is too painful, try feeding your baby with your healthy breast first. Then, after your milk is flowing, breastfeed from the affected breast. If your nipples are too cracked and painful to breastfeed from that breast, hand express or use a breast pump to empty the breast of milk. Try this each time that you cannot breastfeed. This is a good time to consider getting help from a lactation consultant. This person—usually a nurse—specializes in helping women with breastfeeding. You can breastfeed more effectively with less pain and help prevent future mastitis if you remember to change positions and make sure that your baby is latching on properly.


Be sure to get treatment for mastitis. Delaying treatment can lead to a breast abscess, which can be harder to treat.


Priya Shetty